Technado, Ep. 147: QuoLab’s Dan Young

April 16, 2020 0:00:00
Technado, Ep. 147: QuoLab’s Dan Young
Technado (Archived)
Technado, Ep. 147: QuoLab’s Dan Young

Apr 16 2020 | 0:00:00


Show Notes

Digital forensics expert Dan Young joined the Technado crew this week to share his expertise and tell us about QuoLab’s software. He told the team about all of the COVID-19 related scams, including a malware version of the Johns Hopkins pandemic map. In other news, the crew discussed Microsoft moving to digital-only events, moving China Telecom out of the US, a critical VMware bug, and the truly sad news that we won’t get new emojis in 2020.

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