Technado, Ep. 220: Cisco's Chris DiSalle

September 09, 2021 0:00:00
Technado, Ep. 220: Cisco's Chris DiSalle
Technado (Archived)
Technado, Ep. 220: Cisco's Chris DiSalle

Sep 09 2021 | 0:00:00


Show Notes

Chris DiSalle is a Senior Incident Response Consultant at the prestigious Cisco Talos Intelligence Group and was this week's guest on Technado. He talked about how he worked his way up to where he is today before he and the team discussed some pre-ransomware best practices. Then, in the news, the guys looked at ProtonMail's logging of IP address, a disgruntled former employee destroying 20 Gigabytes of a credit union's data on her way out, Microsoft announcing Visual Studio Code for the web, and a new BrakTooth Bluetooth vulnerability. Finally, in Deja News, they followed up on the leaked gun owner database in the UK. Lock and load!

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