Latest Episodes

The Technado, Episode 88: Gula Tech Adventures’ Ron Gula
Ron Gula is an old friend of Don and Peter’s, having interviewed him back in 2016 at RSA when he was with Tenable Network...

Technado, Ep. 130: Darknet Diaries’ Jack Rhysider
In this episode, the Technado team talks with Jack Rhysider, creator and host of the Darknet Diaries podcast about “hackers, breaches, APTs, hacktivism, cybercrime,...

The Technado, Episode 87: LatentView’s Krishnan Venkata
It's time for more fun with big data! In this episode, Peter and Don talk with Krishnan Venkata from LatentView Analytics about some interesting...

The Technado, Episode 86: Microsoft MVP Christiaan Brinkhoff
Microsoft MVP and FSLogix Cloud Architect Christiaan Brinkhoff joined Peter and Cherokee all the way from the Netherlands to talk Azure and his upcoming...

The Technado, Episode 85: CyberArk’s Joe Garcia
Joe Garcia from CyberArk was kind enough to come all the way up from Tampa to join Peter and Don in the studio to...

The Technado, Episode 84: Clairvoyant's Shekhar Vemuri
In this episode, Peter and Don talk to Clairvoyant's Chief Technology Officer Shekhar Vemuri about their AI-powered data security tools. Then Ronnie Wong joins...