Latest Episodes

The Technado, Episode 65: Week 36 in Review
It was a busy week for Microsoft in the news. Don and Peter also take a look at some new exploits to keep an...

The Technado, Episode 63: Week 34 in Review
It wasn’t a great week for Huawei. In this episode, Peter and Don look at what went wrong for the Chinese phone manufacturer, as...

The Technado, Episode 62: Week 33 in Review
In this week's episode, Peter and Don bring in Evan Leibovitch from the Linux Professional Institute to talk about their 20th anniversary as well...

The Technado, Episode 61: Week 32 in Review
Peter and Daniel are fresh off a trip to BSides in Las Vegas, and in this case, what happened in Vegas is public knowledge....

The Technado, Episode 60: Week 31 in Review
Rob Carson of SemperSec was in the studio this week to talk with Don about life on the front lines of security consulting. Then...

The Technado, Episode 59: Week 30 in Review
There are big changes coming to the ITIL curriculum. In this episode of Technado, Don will talk with ITIL expert Jo Peacock before joining...